Our long awaited Million Dollar Body e-store finally opened its e-doors tonight! Hurray! I was sincerely running out of patience.
Finally, the BeachBody products are available to purchase online. So, if you are interested in any of the BeachBody videos or suplements, I strongly advise you visit the store. I actually recently got Hip Hop Abs and did one of the work outs yesterday. Much much harder then it looks, much harder...
If any of you would like to try a video before actually purchasing it, please call me or email me. I seriously have them (and use them) all. I would be happy to loan them so you can see what a specific workout is exactly about.
So if you are ready to really see a change in your fitness level, well use the link below and it's all yours.
You'll get on my home page; just scroll down, the left hand icon at the bottom will help you create a Million Dollar Body profile (it's free and it has tons of great things like free diet plan, access to WOWY live work out etc...) and then let you in the e-store. Oh yeah.
Click here and get your BeachBody videos!
That also means I will be your coach. And that is no laughing matter... Actually, you will receive an email with my contact info and you are free to contact me for coaching assistance or not. It's all up to you.