Friday, September 23, 2011


You know what I am talking about. That day, when you procrastinate your workout, sometimes even for valid reasons. In the back of your head, gnawing at you, is the thought of you not sticking to your commitment.

When I am in that funk, I find it best to (begrudgingly) force myself to get it done. I drag my feet, sigh a lot, and even get cranky. Okay, I get totally unpleasant.
More often than not however, within 30 min of beginning to move, I feel much better and, oh miracle, I end up enjoying my workout.

But there are those other times... Where I can't lift as heavy than usual, I feel more out of breath, I feel tired and cannot wait for this thing to finish so I can go lay down. The whole process continues to suck.

The difficult thing here is that sometimes it's a mental thing that is going on. One that comes with profuse amounts of inner complaining and whining. I am being negative about exercising that day and the bad attitude gets in the way of the enjoyment.
But sometimes, my body is actually tired and needs the rest. I can usually tell because instead of toddler like negative self talk, there is a strong feeling of: this is being very challenging where it usually is not. I feel depleted.

I want to suggest that when we feel like this, we might want to stop said workout and go do something more restorative. Maybe this is the day for that Belly Dancing class that is on the list of things to try, maybe it's time to hop into a restorative yoga class or to take a nice walk outside. Maybe more Zumba® Fitness... ;)

It is difficult to take those cues from ourselves at times, we need to pay attention. Sometimes our egos get in the way... But a workout can always be moved around, switched, done the next day etc...
I tend to have a very rigorous and locked in workout schedule (surprise!!) with specific goals (look at the snatch test, and weep for me), so I too am working on being more in tune to my body's needs.

I would love to hear your thoughts about this, and listen to how you allow for some flexibility in your workout schedule, while sticking to your goals.

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