I often get asked when is the best time in the day to exercise. Is there a time to get the biggest bang for your hard efforts? The answer is yes... and... it's complicated. First, let's talk about where you are at With your current exercise program. If you're one of those people whose workout routine is firmly established, I will post to answer the question of the most efficient time of the day to work out in a later blog post.
On the other hand, if you are working on creating a regular exercise routine, this is not a question that you should worry about quite yet. If ever.
The answer to that question is actually simple, though not so easy to implement: the best time for you to exercise is the time when you are more likely to exercise. How's that for an obvious statement?
I know it sounds silly, but you have to fit your workouts at a time of the day when you won't be interrupted, disturbed or otherwise derailed.
So obvious, isn't it? So, take some time to plan ahead, to honestly look at your average day.
Do you have a time in the day when the demands from
work, family and other obligations lull for a little bit? Could you cut short some activities like watching TV, scrolling down Facebook of playing video games? Finding some calmer portion of the day can be a tall order in and of itself and you might need to actively carve that time out. Think of waking up an hour early to do your workout before anyone is awake. Or maybe you are more of a night owl and would prefer to exercise when everyone else is slumbering.
I strongly recommend you try to workout at the same time every day, it will greatly help create your routine. The more automatic and routine like your workouts become, the more likely you are to stick to them. The less thinking is involved the better off you are. And with that said, that is not always possible. Your schedule might be different from week to week or even day to day. Use the same planning technic, find those times where it makes sense to schedule your daily exercise. Go with what is most likely to work for you.
Write down your exercise time and make your workouts non negotiable.
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