Wednesday, June 30, 2010


After a tiring 7 days with no exercise I woke up this morning poised to workout. I need to say, both my body and my mind were begging for it. And let's not even mention my emotional balance... Do you have that problem where you overeat during one meal and you immediately feel like you have gained weight? Or you skip one workout and when you look at yourself in the mirror you could swear your butt looks bigger?
I am one of those people you know. And it's okay, I know it and I have learned to accept it in the most Buddhist way, but still I was READY to workout.

So here is my review of the first Turbo Fire workout.

One quick disclaimer: I love Turbojam, I teach Turbokick and I am a fan of Chalene Johnson through and through. that might make me a little bias, but I will do my best to give you an objective review.

The set of Turbo Fire is really quite cool, all the participants wear bright colors and it looks like a group exercise class environment except nicer. Much nicer.
The first workout is about 30 min in length inclding a warm and cool down.
Now, right away I noticed something. The music is faster than what we are used to in Turbokick, which is already faster than Turbojam. So be prepared to move fast. Chalene does not waste anytime and moves quickly between sections.
I did not have a problem following the class: I know the pucnhes and kicks patterns and I am sure if you are familiar with Turbokick or Turbojam you won't either but if you are brand new to Chalene, I think it might take you a couple of DVD viewings before you follow along. everything takes some practice, this program might take more than something like Insanity.

Though short, the class offered a challenge, Chalene is, as usual, an amazing instructor with great cueing skills and energy. And personality. And really fun outfits. I love you Chalene!

After each section, Chalene takes the class through a 1 minute high intensity drill, giving 1 minute after that to recover. I particularly liked that.

Overall, a great short, efficient workout. I got some good bang for my 30 min of exercise bucks. What an unfortunate sentence this just was...

Now onto my dirty confession... I did not do the stretch portion of the my scheduled workout... So, I am going to do it now, because this is one of my areas of needed improvement... And not doing on day 1 is not a good sign me thinks. I know, when I said dirty confession you were hoping for something steamier, but no. Sorry.

And if you must know, I am a total sucker for note pads. I have so many of them... Well guess what? Terrific news! The Advanced DVDs of Turbo Fire come with this red notepad, designed just for Turbo Fire!!! I know!!!

Check out the trailer for TurboFire and tell me it does not look awesome. Well if day 1 is any sign of things to come, it will be.

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