Wednesday, July 07, 2010


I just finished my first week of Turbo Fire. I think that in the process of focusing on all the classes that I teach, I have forgotten how much of a straight cardio addict I am... I have had tremendous success with my Zumba classes so I have placed a lot of my attention on that format, which, truth be told, I absolutely adore. Doing Turbo Fire everyday reminds me how much I also love Turbokick and how fantastic an instructor Chalene is. I am loving it. LOVING IT!!
Fun routines, great "class" energy, Chalene's fun and preppy personality. That's about as good as it gets on DVD. I kid you not. Come do a workout with me if you want proof!

I have not been doing so great with my food intake, especially on the 4th of July, when, while at the amusement park, I was left to care for the baby alone with a giant bag of cheetos Oh, badness in a bag... I still managed to lose 3 lbs in the past week, so no complaints here.

Stretch-wise, I am doing better! I have not quite reached my goal of stretching everyday, but I have been consistent with every other day. I even did the full 40 min of stretching yesterday! JOY!

All in all, I am very pleased with this program. It is fun, challenging and oh, the endorphins from a high intensity workout.

On a different topic, I just watched a documentary about EFT tapping and have been trying it on myself. Wouldn't you know it... as silly as it looks... it actually works... I KNOW!!!
I am also reading the book "The Slight Edge" which has me have lots of "Aha!" moments. I highly recommend it. It makes complete sense and is giving great motivation to improve.

What is YOUR workout routine this coming week?

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